Wednesday, 5 August 2009

the greatest story ever told...


I'm about to shoot a music video for these guys in a few weeks, the story we're to shoot cannot be revealed at this stage for a number of reasons.

Here's another story though while you wait...

We was made to go to a careers meeting at school at what seemed like a very young age to me. I remember the lady asking me a number of questions then trying to hand me a load of pamphlets on plumbing and the army to name a few.

I didn't accept those pamphlets and said "no really I'm ok, I'm going to be a professional snooker player" coz at the time I was playing 6 days a week.

Within a year I stopped playing snooker.. I think I was bored with the colours of the snooker balls and wondered what a really pale blue ball next to an off white ball next to a water melon red ball would look like..

In a nutshell - I just wanted to create...


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Essex based photographer who shoots fashion, faces and the odd wedding. Feel free to contact me for a quote via my website. Check my new portrait studio in Essex and also in my spare time I'm creative director on
