Tuesday, 5 May 2009

that time again

Yes folks it's my time of year for plenty of wedding photography, guinness and street photography.

Give me a light weight DSLR camera, 50 mm lense, my bike and the afternoon off and i'm a happy man.

Here's some recent stuff i've grabbed along the way, really refreshing for me after months of solid studio work.

Hope you enjoy... Oh i forgot to mention i'm a London portrait, fashion and wedding photographer ( hi Google )

This made me laugh i saw this bride and groom having their photo taken in front of Buckingham palace. I just saw red for a split second and felt a sudden urge to run over and take over and get the shot :) i had to stop myself and settle for the over the shoulder shot.

1 comment:

  1. These are brilliant! Why don't we get to see them on flickr?


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About Me

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Essex based photographer who shoots fashion, faces and the odd wedding. Feel free to contact me for a quote via my website. Check my new portrait studio in Essex KenandSindy.com and also in my spare time I'm creative director on dickeads.com
